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Volunteers wanted for Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games

By Jin Yingying| Hangzhoufeel| Updated: June 7, 2021 L M S

Since the global volunteer recruitment for the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 has begun on May 22nd, 33,635 have signed up by May 31st.

The Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee (HAGOC) aims to recruit some 52,000 Asian Games volunteers in total. Volunteers will be grouped according to their assignments and services, among which the three major groups are the General group, Professional group, and Organizing group.

The general group will conduct the general tasks such as ushering, inquiry, greeting and assisting in cultural events and sports games.

The professional group will commit to the specific tasks that require professional skills. For example, the acoustic control during competitions and ceremonies, language services (including foreign languages, sign language and reading Braille), protocol services, IT support and media operation, and delegation assisting.

The organizing group wants those who are excellent in organizing and managing volunteer teams and are highly enthusiastic for the volunteer work.

The group working for the games will primarily serve on the opening and closing ceremonies and during the sports competitions and games-related activities.

Volunteers may work in any venue of play across Hangzhou and the co-host cities, namely, Ningbo, Wenzhou, Jinhua, Huzhou, and Shaoxing, all of which are located in Zhejiang Province.

Volunteers are also needed in one or more of the following supportive works for the Games: Competition Operations, Accreditation, Protocol, Language Services, Arrivals & Departures, Ceremonies and Events, Spectator Services, Media Operations, Games Services, Transport, Official Conference Services, the Asian Games Village and Official Hotels or Information Technology.

The time that volunteers are expected to be in position will be from September to October 2022, some 7 days before and 3 days after the Games. Volunteers working on some peculiar positions may enjoy a flexible schedule. Those who will work outdoors will take turns on the basis of a rotating schedule.

All the volunteer candidates should be 18 years old or older (born before September 1st, 2004), physically and mentally healthy, should be willing to abide by the Chinese laws and regulations, be willing to serve for the Hangzhou Asian Games and be willing to be trained by HAGOC.

Volunteers who are good at communicating and coordinating, especially those who can communicate in two or more languages (communicative Mandarin is a must) are preferred. HAGOC will organize training programs and other activities for them. It would be even better if they have a good command of one or more skills that are considered helpful to the operation of the Games.

The priority will be given to the candidates who have previous volunteering experiences in sports events, and/or who will be available for the entire Hangzhou Asian Games, the Hangzhou Asian Para Games and pre-event tests, and/or who have the needed professional skills including but not limited to interpretation, translation, listening and speaking abilities in minor languages, and/or IT skills, and/or who have the skills that are considered helpful in the preparation and staging of the Games.

Applicants with a disability but meet the requirements are welcome as well. They will be able to fulfill the tasks suitable for them.

Registration portals

1) Websites:

Visit https://www.hangzhou2022.cn

(official website of the Hangzhou Asian Games)

or https://hangzhou2022.zyh365.com

(volunteer registration website)

2) Official WeChat account:

Asian Games Hangzhou 2022

3) Mobile terminals:

SMART HANGZHOU 2022 (available in Alipay)

HAGOC will issue a Letter of Acceptance to the candidates who are admitted.

The final date for registration is October 31, 2021, due by midnight (12:00 a.m.) Beijing time.

Besides the official channels, a shortcut to register online is available via Hangzhoufeel, which is authorized by HAGOC to facilitate the international applicants. Please feel free to scan the QR code and fill out the registration form in English.

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