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COVID-19 Series, EP3: This app is helping China reopen

govt.chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: December 24, 2020 L M S

Winter is coming, yet the COVID-19 outbreak refuses to abate – not for the near future, anyway.

How to protect both public health and economic strength is the dilemma faced by all governments. Regular universal molecular tests are simply unfeasible, which raises the question: Is there any other way to reopen society safely and quickly?

Using its mighty tech prowess, China has provided a new solution – a mobile app called 'Health Code.' It is essentially a digital health pass, and nowadays, you could hardly find a Chinese person who hasn't used it yet. But really, how does it work, and why do Chinese people love it so much? Watch the video to find out!

This is the third episode of a five-part series on the Chinese economy amid COVID-19. Find the previous episodes below, and stay tuned for more great content.

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