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Running competitions being held in Zhejiang

www.ehangzhou.gov.cn| Updated: November 1, 2022 L M S


The winners of the Tonglu Half Marathon on Oct 30. [Photo/zjol.com.cn]

The fresh autumn has brought with it outdoor exercise season as a variety of road running events are expected to take place throughout November, local media outlets reported.

The marathon in Tonglu county, Hangzhou and the cross-country race in Taishun county, Wenzhou kicked off on Oct 30, with the former attracting nearly 10,000 runners and the latter over 400.

The resumption of road running events was made possible by the concerted efforts of the Zhejiang marathon association, local governments and event organizers. Strict epidemic prevention and control measures must be followed, as only runners not from medium- or high-risk areas and who have obtained negative nucleic acid results from within the past 24 hours were allowed to participate.

Judges of the events were also asked to attend not only marathon Level III referee training but also Red Cross first aid training.

In the future, all marathon judges will obtain both certificates, in accordance withthe five-year plan of Zhejiang's marathon course.


Runners compete in the Tonglu Half Marathon on Oct 30. [Photo/zjol.com.cn]

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