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China sports: Inspiring 2022, promising 2023

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: December 23, 2022 L M S

Fitness for all

Mass fitness events also gained traction.


A major venue for the 2022 Winter Olympics, Genting Snow Park in Chongli of Zhangjiakou, Hebei province, has become a popular destination for skiers in China. [PHOTO/CHINA DAILY]

Inspired by the Winter Olympics at home, more people have taken to ice and snow.

The Olympic competition sites have opened to the public and major ice and snow resorts across the country have witnessed new boom after the Games.

On November 5, some 20,000 runners took to the track of Beijing Marathon, followed by runs in Chengdu, Xiamen and Shanghai all in November.

Long-coveted by both elite runners and enthusiasts, the comeback of major marathon events after two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 signals hope for mass fitness events after affected by the pandemic.

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