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'Blue And White: Impression of China': A dance drama depicting traditional Chinese culture makes its premiere in Beijing

CGTN| Updated: August 19, 2024 L M S

A dance drama called "Blue and White: Impression of China" made its premiere in Beijing over the weekend. It tells the story of a ceramist living in Jingdezhen, the world-famous Porcelain Capital in east China's Jiangxi Province, dating back one thousand years. Our reporter You Yang got a look backstage, talking to the major players and creators of the piece for some insight into how they put this production together. 

What's your understanding of china?

Is its value the result of a seamless pattern? Or its vivid colors?

Produced by the China Oriental Performing Arts Group–"Blue and White: Impression of China" premiered in Beijing this weekend, illuminating the life story of a craftsman making porcelain.

Executive director Hu Hai took us backstage for a unique look at how the creators and performers behind the dance drama put this show together.

HU HAI Executive Director, "Blue and White: Impression of China" "Let me show you around. This is one of our dressing rooms. This is one of our heroes–he is doing make up for his role–'A Tian' of his old age.” 

YOU YANG CGTN Reporter "How do you feel about dressing up as an old man?"

SHENG HAOZHE Actor Portraying A Tian in Old Age "Blue and White: Impression of China" "I feel I am turning old. And the makeup helps me to get into the role very quickly."

YANG YUXIN Actress Portraying a Lady Living in Song Dynasty, "Blue and White: Impression of China" "From a physical perspective, to act as a lady living in the Song Dynasty, I would perform more leisurely."

Besides the dancers, the stage setting also plays an important role in helping the audience get immersed in the play.

For a drama depicting the culture of the Song Dynasty, some one thousand years ago, more ingenuity is needed.

HU HAI Executive Director, "Blue and White: Impression of China" "This is called 'Yin Pi', one of the 72 processes of making porcelain. It aims to make the shape of a round container look even better. And on the stage, we will add more dancing elements to the move."

YOU YANG CGTN Reporter "More stage oriented."

HU HAI Executive Director, "Blue and White: Impression of China" "This is 'Lei Shi', to smash the stones into pieces, then put the small pieces back into the basket. It is also one of the processes to make porcelain."

The story revolves around a ceramist when he learns how to make bluish white porcelain in Jingdezhen, the world-famous porcelain capital, where he encounters his true love but loses her eventually. He looks into his life at old age and finds out what struck him the most.

SUI XIAOLONG Actor Portraying A Tian at His Young Age, "Blue and White: Impression of China" "I think the most difficult part for me to play the drama is that I need to change my emotions very quickly. For example in the first scene I am crying and saying goodbye to my mother, and in the second one I am apprenticing with a great master on how to make porcelain. And it takes me only 20 seconds to swift my emotions."

YI JIE Chief Director, Choreographer, "Blue and White: Impression of China" "I think the most touching thing in a drama is emotion. In our dance piece, we are not only reflecting family, friendship and love, but also a firm belief in inheriting our traditional culture in the heart of Chinese people. Humans will die eventually, but as long as our children have this belief, the skills of making porcelain, the love of our traditional culture will be passed down from generation to generation."

Now the curtain rises and the dancers are getting ready to face the audience.

Physical props also help tell the story of the ceramist.

HU HAI Executive Director, "Blue and White: Impression of China" "This is our stage–the staff are doing their preparations for the first scene. Look, that's the prop of wheat, not real wheat of course, we will use it in the first part as it shows the scene of harvest."

YOU YANG CGTN Reporter "Yes it indeed looks like wheat in terms of its color and gloss. And it seem that you have some green and yellow ones."

YI JIE Chief Director, Choreographer, "Blue and White: Impression of China" "After this premiere in Beijing, we will release it in both Jingdezhen and Hangzhou. We definitely hope to bring this story overseas, as you know, we are telling the story of china, which, actually has the same name as our country, China. We hope to bring our traditional Chinese stories overseas and get more people to know about our traditional culture."

YOU YANG Beijing "The dance drama follows the renowned performance of 'The Journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting'. Of course, the theme has changed as has the dance form. But something remains unchanged, the performers original intention of depicting beautiful traditional Chinese culture and splendid scenery. You Yang, CGTN, Beijing."

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